It is often advised to keep certain things about yourself private. For example, details about your relationship, or problems in the family. In fact, I constantly get quotes on Facebook urging me to keep everything private and never to speak up. And I can agree with that in normal situations. In fact, no one has anything to do with these personal things. But when there are obviously strange things going on around you, it can help to throw it all out on the table for the world to see. Even if it’s not pretty, it shows that the world is not always pretty. And that bizarre things happen that almost no one knows about.
Recently I have been having some problems with my family. I have trouble letting go of them anyway. There are quite a few difficulties there. But lately I’ve been trying to set my boundaries a little more, and express my irritations. Unfortunately, I feel incredibly inhibited to do that. But when I do, they respond very understandingly, which makes me back down a bit. So that still doesn’t make it easy. Because the situation is just weird. They are very different from what they once were. All of them. I think most people reading this article are aware of what happened, but let me explain a bit more. Several years ago, my family and all my friends were taken over. That means different entities creep into their bodies, pushing out the original persons. I am still keeping open an option that it is not so much another entity, but that somehow someone is released from old memories, and therefore turns inside out, and embraces his aggression all at once. This process is to deal with certain people in the world, if they speak too much truth, and to gain control over these people and provide them with enough challenge so that they can develop. One begins with these targeted people by taking over the environment, and gradually one works inward until they end up with the person in question himself. A terrible truth. By actively writing about this and making a move outward, you can then stay alive, and if you do it in time, you can even protect those around you, which unfortunately I have not succeeded in doing.
With my brother, for example, I clearly observe a change. He acts most of the time as if he understands what you are talking about, when I talk about technical things, for example, but I think he just plays that he understands. That’s quite a suspicion, but the entity now in his body is not as smart as my original brother, or my brother has lost parts of his smartness in the change that has taken place in his personality, which this branch of the Antichrist is responsible for. Especially since he was so highly gifted, you can notice this. He acts very understanding and nice, but meanwhile he takes no responsibility for his behavior, and is then giggling with his children, like he is 4 again. And don’t think he ever limits his children. Everyone gets unbridled space to be children, along with him, and restricting your children is like restricting himself, and he doesn’t want to, because he also wants to be a free child. He has clearly acquired the personality of a Dragon. And if you want to know what that means, please read the chapter Clinical treatment, where I explain how in that clinic where I was treated they stimulate aggressive fantasies, and try to make a Dragon of you, so to speak, which is a kind of unrestrained personality, which knows no limits, and inside itself goes rock hard over limits. In that clinic they then learned to balance that behavior, so that you do learn to accept another person’s boundaries and you get the air around you, that you respect the other person. But actually you don’t do that at all. It’s such a false way of being. And my whole family and all my old friends and acquaintances are infected with it now. It’s like a virus that has spread, to get closer to me so they could take me over, but they haven’t succeeded yet. I honestly don’t even know if they are aware of how they are being used by God in their current state. Or if they are aware of the change that has taken place within them. Or whether they do know and are just good actors, and it is really different entities that have come into their bodies. In my previous article, I describe how I briefly felt that someone came into me and that these Antichrist entities congratulated me via a Facebook quote, right at that moment, for getting a Dragon into me, “because I worked so hard”. But I think it was more like a warning for me not writing any articles for a while. So it wasn’t the real thing. Because I am just myself still.
A few weeks ago I was with my family. And my brother, his wife, and their 3 children were present too. Those children are similarly taken over, and also guided by the Antichrist, by which I mean their frequencies are also colored with Antichrist energy, and how they behave along with their parents, always feels like a great plan, to treat me. It’s almost ridiculous, how well attuned they are, and they know exactly how to push my buttons, although so I’m not sure if they do this consciously, and if they are aware of this. What happened was, when we went out to dinner with the family, I was totally ignored by the children. I was trying my best to make contact, but nothing came back from them. When I called my little nephew, he ignored me. That was the first time. Later when we were back home with my parents, my nephew was suddenly lost. I was worried for a moment, because everyone, including the adults, were sitting at the table giggling like little kids, and no one was paying attention to my nephew. So I got worried, and called him and told him to come or at least answer. But again he completely ignored me. He turned out to be under the table. What you expect then is for his parents to support me and tell him to answer, but no, they sat around with a neglectful air, passive in their boundaries, looking around. That’s when I got pissed. My brother’s wife understood, she said, that I was concerned. She must then implicitly rub in that she thinks that is a sign of weakness. She doesn’t realize that herself, but by naming it, she shows that she herself had no concern at that moment toward him. I said I felt myself disappearing. Very logical, under the implicit violence that takes place (when they are vehemently spacing on their aggression). They acted as if it was specifically something of me, and that they should not change anything about their own behavior. Even when I was on the phone later with my brother to explain it again, I didn’t get the impression that he understood that when I feel myself disappearing, it doesn’t help to indicate that to them, which he thought I should do, because then they are already way too late in taking me into account. I could so imagine them constantly not taking me into account then, and constantly wallowing in their aggression, and not paying attention to each other and busy giggling, and that I then have to indicate all the time, as a kind of victim when I feel myself disappearing, so that they can take pleasure in that, that it is mainly something of mine. Ridiculous! I’m not going to bring up my family like they are my children. I’d rather cut off contact, and let them boil in their juices, without showing my face again. But every time I push to do that, to do that, they respond super understanding. And show that they are doing their best, which cools me down once again. I dropped in on my parents today, where my brother and his family were again. It is Christmas, after all. And all three kids immediately came running up to me to greet me warmly. As if they had been instructed to do so and they know perfectly well what they did last time. My brother’s wife said “How good that you came anyway!” which I honestly don’t appreciate, because I don’t like it at all that I came again, because I fall for it every time. Until something happens again. I feel that when they do their best for me, it’s always with an underlying purpose to treat me. And that’s starting to get up my nose. It’s all not a coincidence. And then I think about what the exact purpose is. To work on me in such a way that I end up being taken over? And then? Should I see taking over as a reset, or as a harvest from God? And is it actually positive if you are harvested? Do you then allow yourself to be used by God, to treat others. Or should I insist that I don’t want that, and that I will insist to the end that that won’t happen? I think I choose the latter, whether I will succeed in that or not.
My brother and his family are not the only ones who sometimes drive me to madness. The same thing, though in a different way, happens with my sister. She too takes no responsibility for her behavior at times. For example, she says she will be at your place at 5 o’clock with the car to pick you up (I don’t have a driver’s license), and then I am ready because I know how annoying it is, to have someone waiting to pick me up. But then she ends up being there at 5:20. Then when I point out that she’s making me wait this way anyway, you expect her to say, “Sorry, I’m running a little late. I had better meet with you a little later.” But no, she doesn’t take any responsibility and she even gets venomous when you say something about it. Because you can never draw a line with her, because inside she is just as much a raging Dragon or Wolf, or whatever it is, as my brother. And in the meantime she plays that she is very decent and that it is mostly other people who are evil, and that she is completely good. And she then gives just the right answers every time and plays that she is understanding when you end up getting angry. But then something happens again. But I don’t even dare indicate anything with her in live contact, because she gets choked up. I recognize it from when I came into part-time treatment (see the chapter Part-time treatment) and I reacted at every boundary of the treatment staff, somewhat aggressively. This is simply because they then want to force you into a small prison in which you take responsibility for your behavior. And that prison doesn’t have to feel like a prison, but in our family, where there was structural violence and disapproval for angry feelings, any kind of responsibility feels like violence to you. A very unpleasant situation. And so I see that reflected in my whole family, whether they are still who they are, but there has simply been a change in their frequency and they are now being used by God (or the Antichrist, which is the negation of God the Father), or whether they have really been taken over by different entities.
Today on Christmas Day I expressed my irritation to my sister. She was acting up again that when using a game library and buying a game she has to share her address information, and she absolutely does not want that. But I argued that that is purely to prevent abuse and that they have to agree with local laws, and to do that they need your location data, which they compare with the bank’s data when paying for games. It’s very understandable. But my sister has a certain idea that her address is being sold to third parties. And that they hack her, and that they come to her door to kill her or something. And so she holds very rigidly to not sharing data. So she also buys as little as possible from the Internet, because well, you have to create an account for that with your address. All I can say about that is: “Ill doers are ill deemers!” And the evil in the world is in the service of God, and is not so rampant that it is out of control, even though it sometimes seems so, when you read the extreme stories of others. Throw everything on the table as I do, and you will be protected. So I set a boundary that I don’t participate in all that stuff based on distrust, and I said I won’t come to celebrate Christmas, because I don’t feel like all that drama and discussion. But then she reacted very understandingly, and again had completely forgotten how she had behaved just before. On the one hand, she asks me to help her pick out a laptop or a game console, and on the other hand, she shoots off in a different direction every time, and doesn’t trust what I advise her at all. It definitely seems like she’s playing with you, and I definitely don’t appreciate that either. Because I get very excited by all that technology, and I do my best every time to help her in it, but I feel like she is just playing with me. Then when you set a limit, she gets toxic, at least, that’s the experience I’ve usually had with her lately, but then when you get angry, she’s suddenly full of understanding.
What also happened the other day with her was that I expressed my irritation to her, because every time I talk about serious subjects, that is, when I express my opinion on serious subjects, she starts fighting me in it. As if her ego depends on my opinion, and she always fights it, as if she is the only one with an opinion, and as if she is the only one with sense in her head. It’s a kind of narcissistic mechanism, and that really makes me sick, because at no point can I share my opinion, because then she fights it. I just want to be heard, but at the moments I make myself heard, she apparently breaks down and fights me, something that drives me absolutely crazy, so I don’t say my opinion at all anymore, unfortunately.
With my mother I have the least problems. But my dad acts weird too. I always have the idea that he’s acting. He’s constantly evaluating whether something was nice or tasty, which really makes me sick. And he constantly wants to include you in the conversation as if he thinks you’re pathetic otherwise. And you can see that as nice behavior, but it goes completely against my will. Leave me alone I think then. I see pain point of myself in him, and that’s why I get antipathy towards him. Especially because he has damaged me so much, and again it seems sometimes as if he doesn’t take any responsibility for this, or has any awareness of it. Sometimes he plays that he cares, if it is appropriate in my “treatment” because everything feels like treatment. My real father did have this awareness, even though he tried not to think about this too much. But in his taken over state, he doesn’t show it at all. He has become a caricature of himself, cares more about impressing complete strangers than loved ones, something that all those taken over people suffer from in their aggressive state.
And another thing that gets me is that when we were out to dinner a few weeks ago with the family, my father gave my brother’s little daughter, my niece, a kiss on her mouth when greeting her. It looked ridiculous, and I thought it crossed a line. I think a kiss on a child’s mouth can only be between parents and child and not for other people. Again, this has to do with boundaries. And I can agree that if you yourself are in an aggressive state, and have aggressive fantasies, and can’t feel much love for someone, or you confuse your aggression with love, you cross boundaries in that. Not out of love, but out of boundlessness. So I recognize that in my father. And that’s another red flag, saying, Yes, he’s actually in his aggression inside, even though he plays a sweet father. When I was in my aggression, I always kissed my grandmother on the mouth too, when I had visited her and left, just because there is so much aggression between you and another person in your personality, that it feels completely appropriate that you approach someone that way. But no, that’s not normal. But anyway, at some point the irritations pile up. And you can’t possibly start speaking out about everything. I don’t feel like all that drama either. And to a certain extent, you can’t change them. I’m just not always happy about it. My original family, as they were before, has obviously been taken from me, and I hate that. I remember just before they were taken over, I was with them. And I was pleased. It had been a very pleasant evening, and I was genuinely happy with them and proud of who they were and the adventure of then about 35 years, that we had taken together. I was enjoying the harmony that was there, as if we had put a lot of difficult things behind us.
But then these Antichrist entities intervened. They thought I was living a mediocre life. They had bigger plans for me. They couldn’t stand the harmony that had come, because above all you have to keep evolving, and keep moving, and that includes hating each other above all. Bah, it’s disgusting. I hate it. They have destroyed everything. And they can absolutely #%$* off. They are monsters, and they have this fantasy that their intervention has helped me do something, but in fact it has brought me absolutely nothing. Only misery. They have made everything ugly. And what they have done to my family, friends, and acquaintances, is inexcusable. Someday, maybe the puzzle pieces will fall into place, but until then, I choose NOT to understand. Because if you choose to understand such evil, you might as well sell your soul right away, and let yourself be taken over!
Right after I posted this text, this quote appeared on Facebook: “Maybe think before you choose sides, without knowing the true story. You might be surprised at how sneaky some people are. Causing trouble and then playing the victim!”
These cowards feel the need to defend themselves for the choice they made to end the lives of my family, friends and acquaintances and the many people around them. How pitiful! The only one who knows what it was like to grow up in my family was myself, and they were justified in teaching me to fight against the injustice done to me. But when I fought, apparently I was the problem, while I didn’t hurt anyone. Shouldn’t you ask yourselves if you haven’t demanded too much of me? Because you both want me to be perfectly loving. And you want me to fight. At the same time. But that middle way is never possible with my problem, but that doesn’t seem to stick to your limited mind. I don’t care how sneaky my parents were and how much they played victim while causing problems of their own. They are MY parents, and you have no idea what they in turn went through that made them feel like victims. That constant condemnation of things in people that came about because of your influence over the world is very retarded. If you have your mouth full of what is right and wrong, then had intervened before things went wrong. I am sick and tired of you only choosing the evil way to intervene (and that in the name of love), and then finding it crazy that people make mistakes in response. Because that’s what they are: mistakes! In response to your influence!!! But oh, what wise teachers you are, and what a mouthful you have of what is just: killing half the population. What did you think: that I would approve of your pernicious methods and obey your narcissistic urge to isolate me? Have you ever given me anything that was useful? Did I gain anything? I am still in the same crappy prison. For me, I was fine living out my life with the people around me that I had, before you guys intervened. You guys ruined everything! Not only for me, but also for those hundreds of others around me. But oooh, how evil all those people are all because they are not all equally teachable or still able to change. What did you guys expect? That my grandmother would speak to the world about how dangerous you are? That she had created a website to inform the world? Then you are out of your mind. Or should we all just give up our lives if you ask for it? And then see us all reborn as Antichrist idiots. For years I treated my sister so that she would suffer as little as possible, because I didn’t want her to feel like I did. But apparently I should have just made her suffer rock hard and should have betrayed her in every possible way, then she wouldn’t be as unhinged now as she sometimes behaves now that she has been turned inside out. What kind of moronic truth is that? You’re talking about people though! My sister is no different from me. Her life is also understandable, when you see what she’s gotten in her path! And she has done well. Who the fuck are you to meddle in that?