

In this chapter I describe how I feel unsafe at the supermarket, how I break my kneecap, how I go back to basics, and how I run into my own limitations.

Back to my roots

At a certain point in 2022, even my trips (twice a week) to the supermarket became unsafe, as certain cashiers became very interested in me. I express my suspicions in an article and a little later I receive confirmation on Facebook by a quote that they have indeed been taken over. It says something like: “Those suspicions you have are of course completely true!” More quotes followed, all relating to the fact that I according to these quotes had a crush on the cashiers and that the road to a relationship would be open now that they had been taken over. As if I was going to take advantage of that! It was disgusting! These entities had first ended the lives of these girls, then they took them over, and then they tried to seduce me, but I absolutely will not be drawn into this. I knew I shouldn’t avoid the supermarket, but I went to the supermarket with lead in my legs during this time. (See my article November, the hardest time of the year and I’m slowly recovering! for more details). What happened then is striking. I rode up a small hill to get around a broken road, and fell off my bike! Right on my knee. When I got up, I collapsed through my leg with a lot of cracking. (See my article Fate intervenes destructively for more details). Kneecap broken. They operated on me in the hospital after a few weeks and I walked with a cast and crutches. (See my article Events after breaking my kneecap for more details). I stayed with my parents for eight weeks, as I live on the first floor and there is no elevator, so I could not live at home. I went back to the basics, where it all began. The only difference was that my parents had now been taken over, which made it extra difficult. I had several clashes with them during my stay with them, but there was room for that. As you know, my real father always became aggressive when I was angry, especially in the first years of my life, but my taken over father does not do that, and in this way I actually build up a kind of foundation again, exactly when I needed it. (See my article Rediscovering my roots for more details). Until I could stand on my own two feet again. Literally. It is no coincidence that I broke my kneecap at that moment. I needed it. I needed it to rebuild myself.

When I wanted to go home after eight weeks, I saw something very strange about my father. Under his eye was a bruise in the shape of the eye of Horus (Image 6). This reminded me again of all kinds of scary information.

The eye of Horus

Image 6

The eye of Horus

I wrote the article Taken over father has eye of Horus, in which I explored the meaning of this phenomenon in some depth. Essentially, the eye of Horus describes the phenomenon of people being taken over, which is a failsafe mechanism of God to restore the balance in people when it is disturbed. It always revolves around a main character, of whom all the people in the environment are taken over one by one, so that the main character can be treated and the balance can be restored. By producing information and work about this phenomenon, one can keep it at bay, protect the environment and work on oneself. If you do not, the phenomenon will end with your takeover.

Months later, I caught my father with the eye of Horus again, but this time with two eyes at the same time, although much less strong than before. It all seemed like a test to see how I would react, but I remained calm and dealt with it constructively. The only question is, how do they do it? Either they drew it on purpose to test you and they were instructed to do so, or it just happened naturally. Or they are even able to shapeshift and take on any form. I have considered all the options. The last one sounds crazy, of course, but much has been written about djinns in Islam, a kind of demon that can take on any form, including a form with a damaged eye, or the form of all kinds of aliens, or even airplanes/helicopters/UFOs.

At the beginning of 2023, I was going back to my own place, and had a hard time being alone again. I lost the good daily rhythm of living with my parents. Simply because I was alone, I could not maintain it, and I fell back into bad habits such as reversing my day-and-night rhythm and eating too many tasty things. But I would have to deal with it, that was for sure.

In the end I have physiotherapy, which I really hate. At the last session, the physiotherapist points to my eye (“What’s wrong with your eye?”), just as the taken over neighbor regularly did to scare me, hinting at Donald Marshall’s information about Vril aliens drilling into your eye to take you over that way. (See my article An alleged attack on me and some background info for more details). They had also taken over the physiotherapist and in the meantime I received a message on Facebook that said something like: “Yes, we had to make you uncomfortable, otherwise you wouldn’t have moved at all!”, because I hadn’t posted anything on my site for weeks. And they want you to keep moving forward.

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Section 1: 1984-2017

Section 1


An overview of my intense childhood, how my treatment for severe anxiety and identity issues went all wrong, and how I deal with the disastrous consequences.

Section 2: 2018-2025

Section 2


How I discover information about entities taking over bodies and how these entities eventually open the attack on me and those around me.

Section 3: various topics

Section 3

various topics

An explanation for my experiences in therapy, multiple other things I have discovered in my quest for truth, and my opinion on additional matters.




These are some of the articles I have written over time. Some are offline now, but have reappeared in the three sections of my story.


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