Table of contents
Deception and total madness
When the world was in the throes of Covid-19, I didn’t really have to go out and investigate to know that the news and fear porn you got from the media daily was complete nonsense. And yet I took a moment to investigate. And only then did I see how much was being lied about, how unreliable the mortality figures were, how stories were being made up, how some real stories were being magnified as an “example of…”, and how all governments were eager to take measures that would gigantically coincidentally advance the agenda they had anyway. Create a fictional or real problem. Let the people anxiously and desperately scream and beg for a solution. And then offer the solution you wanted to implement anyway, moving your agenda forward, but needed another crisis to do so. Who would create these problems anyway? Above all, let’s ask ourselves that. And the people who just accept it uncritically and post memes like “Stay at home, it could save lives!” And more of that predictable “see how good I am” bullshit.
I really don’t deny that people got sick and that there are people with respiratory problems. There always are. And it’s precisely these people who got the Covid tests, of which the recipe was secret. How convenient. And yes, they got a positive test result, and thought they had something other than an ordinary simple but severe pneumonia. It seems to me, those people who got sick were precisely the people who were most afraid of it. Breathing has an intimate connection with your mental state. And there’s a huge awakening taking place in the world and people clearly can’t handle these energies. And they devour themselves and others and project out the parts they don’t recognize within themselves. It seems as if everyone was just joining in with this madness. It was a collective delusion. People were especially very afraid of getting sick, and advised each other to distance themselves from each other as much as possible, because the virus is a creature that jumps from one to another. But that, in my opinion, is complete nonsense. The real virus is one person infecting another in fear. That is Covid. It is a psychological virus. And we saw the consequences all around us during the Covid madness, and it indeed jumped from one human being to another. That was the virus, nothing else. Corona-virus is an anagram of “carnivorous”. And that’s what this virus did. People were literally consumed by the fear of the virus and consumed others if they did not believe the same thing about the virus that they did, and this is precisely what the virus was. We all had to be afraid, they said. Many people also suffer from hypochondria, but know that by embracing your shadow, you can also lose disease fears altogether. By getting to know yourself completely, including your rejected parts, you can end these fears once and for all.
Of course we all know the movies that deal with great pandemics that break out, with people turning into monsters and devouring each other. There had been a lot of predictive programming in the years leading up to the Covid crisis. These were all coded messages, just like everything else in this matrix. And it doesn’t stop with these films alone. Because in several places one could find predictions about the arrival of this virus. Dean Koontz in his book “The Eyes of Darkness” had predicted a respiratory disease that would spread in the near future, and that disease was spread by the Wuhan-400 virus, which he said was a biological weapon created by humans. And let Wuhan be just the city in China where Covid-19 had started. Of course, people were not allowed to know the truth about this, and reports popped up everywhere that this was mostly incorrect, and that of course something like this is also unpredictable. Very predictable. But it is possible, because the future of this world is, by and large, simply known to the initiated. It was, on the one hand, to feed the idea that there is an evil elite that is firing the biological weapon Covid-19 at its population, and on the other hand, to disprove it completely. Again “good” was set against “evil. Hegelian dialectic. But both are false. Truth is found by integrating both polarities at the center of your body, your heart. And then you could have seen that there was nothing to be afraid of. And then you would have found the behavior of your fellow human beings curious. Keeping distance from each other, what a joke. Giving each other an elbow when you had just sneezed heavily into it! How ironic it was!
Characteristics of Satanic consciousness
Covid-19 hysteria (“how dare you not wash your hands and endanger others! ”) is just like climate hysteria (“think like us about the climate, otherwise we will all die”), vaccination hysteria (“everyone must vaccinate, otherwise you will endanger another, and don’t you dare think otherwise”), language hysteria (“don’t use some words like negro because they can hurt and even destroy people immeasurably”) is about criminalizing very NORMAL behavior, which is all part of the Satanic influence that is on man. Whoever does not feel anger in himself from all this hysteria, he does not feel his ascending energies, or is incredibly afraid of the ascending energies in himself. Whereas it is nothing to be afraid of. In therapy I have embraced these ascending energies to the maximum, and the irrealistic fear of harming other people has disappeared completely. The question is whether this Covid crisis was realistic at all, or whether it was a way to confront the people en masse with their greatest fears, so that it serves as a catalyst for development and one learns to integrate one’s shadow. Because do you really believe that you are guilty when someone in your environment gets Covid, and you haven’t washed your hands. It’s quite normal for there to be illnesses. Diseases have the purpose of bringing you back to God. As far as that’s concerned, they’re a gift! And if that’s what you have to experience in this life, then there must be a reason. And if you’re wondering why strict believers in God get sicknesses, then I say: these believers we see in this day and age mainly TALK a lot about God, with their dogmas and rules and their failure to discover the world around them, because in their eyes everything is evil, and you must stay away from evil. Sadly they are completely lost, just like the main part of mankind, what the concept of God really means. Blindly believing in religious nonsense and dogmatic rules is just as stupid as blindly believing in the scientific Gods, who in this day and age are the ones getting air time in the average TV show. If you want to become a man of God, try to take in everything you see, hear, and feel, and explore it. How difficult it is to be critical of the things you believe yourself. No, most people are only critical of what is outside of themselves, of what they don’t agree with, and let that be what they deny within themselves, but what is an essential part of themselves and the world.
People who did not believe in the “Covid god” in the Covid era were demonized, excluded, despised, because they were, according to the experts and the blind slave people, the main reason of the virus still being able to spread. And the people massively followed the directives of the increasingly technocratic elite. The people massively believed what these so-called experts said. The vaccine was the solution. And with the next mutation, we all get another vaccine, and with the next one, another one. And another one. This is typically western medicine. The human body as a machine. It’s disgusting. Because it totally ignores the real spiritual cause for most diseases. Besides vaccines, there was a push for a digital ID, giving people permission to enter the public domain and use services. All under the guise of “safety”. “It is for your own safety, people, that we take from you the freedoms that your ancestors fought so hard for. And so, man is, without protesting, passively being led into the Satanic age, and the New World Order (read: George Orwell’s 1984 or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World) becomes a fact. This is not a conspiracy theory; the gentlemen and ladies in power don’t even deny it. Fortunately, after each time when there is predominantly Satanic influence, we see times when the Luciferic sound also gets space. By alternating this, humanity is advanced. For the Luciferic ultimately will confront the Satanic.
Satanic consciousness is distancing oneself from others, feeling guilty even though it isn’t your fault, slave thinking, blind obedience to authority, materialistic thinking, and putting your fellow man in a prison. Many similarities to what happened during the Covid pandemic, don’t you think? But I am convinced that such events can be transformed into good developments. It can eventually teach people to develop their own authority instead of constantly listening to an authority outside themselves. It can teach people to feel free, independent of circumstances. This is a great gift. It can also cause people to take responsibility for their behavior, and this world desperately needs that. But the elite will always play it in such events in such a way that it is the world upside down, and precisely the healthy awareness of responsibility, which includes NOT being responsible for some things, will be criminalized, and the deranged behavior of blaming and excluding each other will actually be encouraged. I do not condone violence on either side.
Dealing with death
When diseases flare up in the people, they often become afraid of death. It is essential that people learn to deal with the phenomenon of death. Unfortunately, mankind is completely in the dark thanks to years of brainwashing there is no afterlife, that she becomes anxious when death appears into the picture. And that can also be the basis on which people lead their innocent fellow human beings to the slaughter house. The only function of the elite is to provide the world with the right “evil” impulse (mostly total lies), so that people can learn what the deadly consequences will be of their own stupid herd behavior in allowing this supposedly monstrous behavior. In this way one learns to integrate one’s own shadow, and let that be precisely what transforms the monstrous behavior into the really good, which by the way is not to be confused with the fake goodness you see in people who especially want to “virtue signal” who especially want to show others that they really are a good person after all. Yuck.
Face masks
Since December 1, 2020, there was even a national requirement for face masks here in the Netherlands. Everyone walked around with one of those damn face diapers on their face. And why? Because the rest of the world was doing it too! Was it effective? No, after all, a fart goes right through your pants too. It was in no way demonstrated that it would work. Yet we had to do it! As usual, mankind curiously wanted to experience what it would be like to just do it; an attempt to see if the government responds as positively to their virtuous behavior as their daddy and mommy used to, an ultimate attempt to learn to know authority, at the expense of their opposition: the people who are uncomfortable with such a thing on. On TV, you saw mostly people acting giggly in following all the rules like 1.5 meters and no handshaking and putting on face masks. People were seriously acting like little kids as if it was all a game. It was absurd to see. But I guess the ruling powers thought it was great and laughed their asses off. My taken over mother was enthusiastically sewing face masks and got all excited by so much masochism among the people, so she very much encouraged me to wear them too. This is very shallow virtue fascism. And yet everyone accepted it, because …: “the virus!!!” Not to mention the dozens of people who emotionally manipulated you by saying: “You don’t wear a face mask for your own good, you do it for other people’s good! Don’t you have the required empathy, to wear that for someone else?” Hell, if I had behaved like this in therapy, I would have been corrected right away with a sneer by my therapist.
Furthermore, in the elites eyes, face masks represent slavery or subordination to others. Images 35 & 36. The slaves used to have face masks as a symbol for their silence and non-assertiveness. In this way the ruling powers can see right away which people are compliant and adapt to the (sick and twisted) system, and which people think for themselves, i.e. on whom they have to put a little more pressure. This Covid crisis would have been a fake exercise, and the real deal may take place later.

Images 35 & 36
Slaves used to wear face masks
Germ theory
In the first Covid wave, they talked about hospitalizations and deaths, in the second wave they only talked about infections, because there were hardly any deaths and hospitalizations. Diederik Gommers is head of Intensive Care at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Holland. In an interview (sorry, video is only in Dutch), he was asked whether the capacity of the hospitals shouldn’t be drastically increased? Diederik Gommers replied: “No, because it’s bad having Intensive Care beds and all kinds of personnel trained, and not having any patients; then you get bored to death; you won’t last long”. In short: the need wasn’t exactly so great. Most people don’t get sick of Covid. You have probably heard of all those people who simply have a good immune system and no symptoms at all, but who do have a positive PCR test. The inventor of the PCR test, biochemist Kary Mullis, says that it should absolutely not be used as a diagnostic tool, and yet it is used by the mass of indoctrinated doctors, who have never isolated a virus, but are convinced that it exists and is very dangerous. Also Koch’s Postulates aren’t met. Then instead of adjusting the virus theory, they adjust Koch’s postulates! Hilarious! But maybe I misunderstand. In my opinion, a positive PCR test says nothing at all. It is an extreme magnification of a piece of genetic material that we probably all have or have had in our bodies. We all have many viruses in our bodies. That doesn’t mean that they jump from one to the other. A virus is absolutely not a living creature. Nor does it mean that the presence of such a virus, for example, means that you immediately become ill. Come on, what kind of mysophobia is this? It’s really a misunderstanding of how the human body works. Viruses are a kind of solutions that have the function of cleaning up toxic tissues that ordinary bacteria and fungi can’t clean up. They are exosomes. We all have them, in large quantities, depending on the condition of your body (and mind!). So they help you to get healthy again. They are made by your own body as a last resort to detoxify. And they can’t jump over to someone else at all! It is hilarious how serious panic-stricken doctors believe in this nonsense and adjust their policies accordingly, they themselves walking around with the biggest face masks of them all. Which is tragic! And then talking about ‘infections’, as if you’re dirty and weird if you have ‘it’, and you have to be shunned like a real leper. In some countries it was even worse: they walked around with moon suits and you were kidnapped by the authorities if you had Covid. Earth is definitely a lunatic asylum! It is so far removed from the loving reality that I long for, that I get very sick and tired of it all! You had to see those looks in the supermarket when they saw me walking without a face mask.
Back to the germ theory. Why would it be incorrect? Surely it is the prevailing theory in medicine for a reason? But at the beginning of the 20th century, one of the richest families in the world, the Rockefellers, bribed all universities (at least, those in the U.S.A.) to proclaim the germ theory. And the universities did a good job complying with it; the reward must have been high. Those Rockefellers are frequently mentioned in the conspiracy research as the ruling powers behind the workings towards a globalist world government (the E.U. is the European part of that). It was David Rockefeller who said at a U.N. dinner in 1994: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order!” The Rockefellers had already laid the foundation for something that would be deliberately orchestrated a century later: a hoax pandemic based on false information, forcing people to surrender their freedoms so that eventually a tyrannical world government could be established, which would allow the force of fear to be rolled out over the people. I am immediately reminded of the scene in V for Vendetta, where Evey is locked up in a prison, which is actually quite apt for people under a tyrannical regime. And later it turns out that everything was staged, and the intention was to strengthen her core in such a way that she herself would discover the way to freedom, by stopping cooperating even longer and accepting her fate (death). Only then she was set free and it turned out that she had been at V’s house all this time. I can only dream of such freedom to say Fuck You!
Noteworthy things
Dutch virologist Ab Osterhaus was at a Dutch TV show a couple of years ago (2009) telling about the Mexican flu, it being disastrous and that we were all going to die. In the end there were only 63 deaths in the Netherlands. And years later that whiskey-swilling lunatic is invited again to frighten people. Of course he’s not just crazy, and his role offers the ultimate challenge for the people to start trusting their own thoughts. By constantly hearing how the world doesn’t work, you eventually learn how the world does work! So this inversion is necessary, and it is up to humanity to overcome it. Fighting is not even necessary. An alternative understanding is enough! Would the corona-scientists actually know that this inverted role has a higher purpose? Or would they be completely unaware of it, and are they just useful idiots who, for the obscure reason I mention have been promoted to their current positions? Would they really be so idiotic that they think we have to inject a new vaccine with every mutation of a virus? As if it has anything to do with normal behavior? I can hardly imagine. We should every time inject a new vaccine, since our bodies presumably can’t handle it on their own. They probably just want to make money; that’s what it often comes down to anyway.
The deception in the media was immense during the crisis. It’s for example in the number of infections constantly being repeated, as if that means something; a picture of an infirmary above which one day it says it is in Italy, and a few days later in another newspaper the same picture above which it says it is in New York. Even dummies are used to create convincing pictures of victims and so on. Then there is the fact that the majority of deaths from other diseases are attributed to Covid if they happen to be infected with it; the fact that the flu figures for this year have disappeared; and, as I mentioned earlier, the problem that in the so-called second wave there are mainly many positive tests, but as I said, that means nothing at all, because there is no correlation with the number of deaths or hospitalizations.
Furthermore, an Austrian MP did a PCR test on cola, which was positive, and someone else did a PCR test on applesauce, which was also positive, so either they put Covid-19 in the food, or the test is just not good. The best way to deal with this nonsense is simply to stop testing! And move on to the order of the day! And remember, if the people winingly ask for something, they will get it (and I don’t mean that in a positive way). Be very careful what you wish for! RIVM (Dutch CDC) director Jaap van Dissel and minister Hugo De Jonge were not in favour of the face mask mandate at all, because it is false security and because it has not been demonstrated at all to work, but the people and media kept nagging, and so in the end a face mask mandate came, forcing the men in question to turn 180 degrees in their opinions. The face mask mandate in the Emergency Act, by the way, directly contravenes article 10 of the Dutch Constitution, and that should absolutely never happen, not even as an experiment (as they call it), but don’t think that in the thoroughly corrupt Dutch judiciary you can be proved right using that logic, so the best thing is to just try to see the gifts in what this opposition brings you, so that the opposition dissolves. As I said, there is no need to fight! Peacefully non-cooperation is always the best option.
An interesting theory
Martin Vrijland further has an interesting theory, stating that the Covid pandemic was intended to create a backup/blueprint of the current state of humanity. He states that the cell in which our world resides is part of a larger body (the original universe) and was cast out of the original universe by Lucifer’s Fall from Man. He argues that the original universe triggers a clean-up reaction every so often, to clean up the disowned cell in which we find ourselves. This would then be the role of the Antichrist, the destroyer. I only differ with him as to what the ultimate goal is. The goal is to use the Satanic influence (compression), and the Antichrist influence (destructive compression), to lead the Luciferic consciousness (expansion) back to God, in the form of the middle path that embraces both the Luciferic and Satanic with love, which is the way of Christ. Martin Vrijland pretends that the intention is for everyone who has reached the Christ state to continue living after the Great Reset takes place and the simulation in which we find ourselves is rebooted using the backup/blueprint, but he confuses this Christ state with the Antichrist state, which is characterized by physical androgyny (transgenderism), in which external masculine and feminine traits are mixed. On the contrary, the Christ state, is about mixing internal characteristics. So an inner androgyny. Precisely producing articles which Vrijland does, the truth-telling and sounding the alarm about what is happening around you, is an example of what the Christ-figure would do. But I fear that Vrijland has also been taken over by an Antichrist entity, and that is the reason he confuses the Antichrist state with the Christ state and corrupts esoteric truths in his articles. Vrijland argues that all people who are incompatible with the post-Great Reset world all have the ability to escape this world and all may return to the original universe, but that in order to do so you must see through the lies. The picture he paints is based on distrust of his fellow man, especially those in power. Whereas in my view, all people around us are playing their role and doing precisely what is required, to enforce the right development. Remember that the Great Plan is working toward love and true freedom, and only when you go outside the moral order do you face the forces of evil. Even then, if you do not listen, you lose your life. But those who listen are immediately left alone!
Some videos
I conclude this chapter with some good videos about Covid-19:
Biochemistry Debunks Corona
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Presentation
Dr. Thomas Cowan Ping Pong Virus & Bacteria Biodegrade Poisons