My previous article was posted in early September. Since that time, I have been mostly working on improving my site. A whole recoding of some parts. I love working on that, especially because it’s a little more earthy, and not so deep, because I rather stay grounded. It’s a nice distraction, and it’s a challenge every time to make something out of it. So I haven’t felt the need to post something substantive. I was a bit down in that regard, because I had had quite a blow at the end of August, beginning of September, and I really needed to recover from that. Since then, several more things have happened, including some threats, although with everything, I wonder what I can learn from it. In that respect, I have moved forward. Last Thanksgiving, the subject of gratitude came up in full force in my life. What to do when people are not so grateful toward you for something you do for them. I felt a little screwed by an event on that subject and it felt very uncomfortable. It was a short rollercoaster of emotions. This even affected my identity, because all the things that happen to me in my life affect my identity, unfortunately, because of my trauma. In the articles Sexual fears and Fear of merging, I told about my recent struggles on this subject. After the events of recent months, the current state is, that my fantasies about beautiful girls and beautiful women are now extinguished (although the primal impulse will always be there, due to it not being integrated properly), and there is room for a somewhat more mature perception. Women now feel just like men, and I have gained a healthy distance from both sexes. This is kind of special, because I was very afraid that if I let go of these immature fantasies towards women (only the joys, not the burdens), I would be forced to seek it in men, but that turns out not necessarily to be true, at least not in that immature way. I can connect with both in a healthy way now, and I have clear boundaries. It is true, though, that I still can’t fully let go of my family. That will probably never happen, because the damage is too great, and inwardly I don’t feel any living space to be completely independent. This is unfortunate, but I will have to put up with it anyway. Of course, I have said in my previous articles (for example in I’m being treated by the Antichrist) that all people who have been taken over will eventually die, as part of the End Times. I also saw a text passing by on Facebook, which stated, that if you want to make the Kings visible in the world, you must first remove the clowns. This is about the same thing. This does worry me, because I am not completely independent, and I attach quite a lot to my taken over family. If they pass away one by one, I don’t know if I could handle it all. So I can’t accept that either. I want them around me as long as possible, even though I know they are not who they say they are. Meanwhile, I buy all these presents for St. Nicholas, birthdays and so on, and get texts on Facebook telling me not to worship these taken over people. But I can’t help it, because in my mind I still attach to them, like I attached to my real family, and can’t let them go, like a healthy person can. This is very difficult for me.
Furthermore, of course, I am still aware of the fact that more and more people are being taken over in my environment, but also on YouTube, for example. My taken over neighbor who I regularly talk about in my texts had gotten into a fight with another taken over neighbor and so they were no longer hanging out with each other. Last weekend I suddenly see her talking with yet another neighbor, someone who had not yet been taken over. I looked straight at her face, and saw that it had happened. She had now been taken over as well. It is so easy to tell, if you know what to look for. Some people get a real glow-up when taken over, but other people don’t glow up at all, and really look like they want to tell you, “what have I done wrong, to be in this incompatible body, having the cloud of memories of this person.” After all, these two parts of the person don’t have to go along well. It however does give the opportunity for these Antichrist entities to learn from what the original person experienced. So now it seems that my previously taken over neighbor because she was bored without the other neighbor, made a new victim in that neighbor who had not yet been taken over. But perhaps we should not interpret it that way. After all, it is a scary interpretation. But I have always said that these Antichrist entities will not attack you, if you just behave nicely to them. So in that way you are in control anyway. And it is not forbidden to tell them the truth and break contact with them, as long as it is in a controlled way.
However, what happened on Nov. 26, the birthday of a deceased friend, was very weird: I woke up and I had the feeling something came into me. Then on Facebook this text appeared: “I see how hard you’ve been working. Here’s a complimentary dino for all you do 😄” Now I hadn’t done much at all, just emotionally busy, but found it very strange. Had I been taken over now too? Had a dragon entered me? I don’t actually feel any different, except that I suffer from eyelid tics. But still the same emotional prison, almost untenable, but in which I am very much stuck. It sucks. I don’t feel like living the rest of my life at all, with this baggage. It’s horrible. And those inspirational quotes on Facebook constantly say that what is to come is better, than what has been. But I don’t believe any of it. It feels horrible! Probably this event was just a warning, because I hadn’t produced any texts in a while. Because you have to keep that up as long as you can, to stay alive.
Furthermore, it’s been 5 months since I’m sure we’ve all seen Donald Trump being shot at, in the first attempt on his life in July of this year (2024). In September, there was even a second attempt by a man with a gun at the golf course on which Trump plays his games of golf. But you should know that this will not be the last attack on Trump’s life. Because there will be another attack, where he will die initially, but will be alive and kicking again a few days later and thus rise from the dead. This is the official moment when Trump will be taken over by an Antichrist entity, and he will turn 180 degrees and emerge as the leader of all taken over Antichrists, without most people realizing it. The Antichrist who then comes into him is also called Apollyon, but he has another name, and it is even more striking when you understand what will happen to him. That name is Abaddon. A-bad-Don… A bad Donald. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that this Abaddon is Jesus Christ himself, and will deal with Satan once and for all, and then go with them (the believers) into the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. Donald Trump says in this video that he is the chosen one. While saying that, he points his eyes to heaven. For many Americans, Trump is also a kind of Jesus Christ who is going to save the country from destruction. We have seen for years the growth of the Satanic arm, certainly in all Western countries, and at the same time the growing conservative movement (the Luciferic arm) that is more than fed up with all this destruction, but is not free of all blame itself. Also Brenda Weltner, whose video I shared earlier (see my article All must choose), states that in April 2025 “the Beast” will be killed (Seventh King), and then taken over by Apollyon. And then rises as Antichrist (Eighth King). See this PDF for her presentation of events. We will see how this will all play out.
Lastly, I want to share a hopeful text that came across on Facebook: “December 1st, 2024. The Universe is saying to you today: “A season of miracles and blessings is on the horizon. New doors will open. New relationships will blossom. Goals will be reached. Prayers will be answered. Express yourself with joy. It is done.”” Even though I feel pretty weakened, I hope for a good outcome for all people, especially those who have managed to stay real in an unreal world. I have already seen several Antichrist entities say goodbye to life with a very broad smile, so the dying of these entities has already begun, as I stated in the first paragraph of this article. These entities, as I shared earlier, do not have the veil of forgetfulness over them, with which ordinary human beings are born. See again the article I’m being treated by the Antichrist. So they know where they will end up after they die, and judging by their smiles during their sickbed, they are absolutely not afraid of this. So let us take that as an example, how to face death. Be hopeful!
I wish everyone a happy December month!