Due to the constant encouragement of the Antichrist entities around me (who had thus assumed a Luciferic encouraging role for years), I increasingly began to vent my anger in live contact, even though I was very afraid that they would kill me if I ever did it live. The times that I had heeded the threat of these entities and had spoken out via my website, and not to their faces, had saved me. But now I was getting more and more courageous to express it to their faces as well. But it was still very rough. And it was precisely this roughness that caused them to openly harm people in the outside world. Before it all came crashing down and I was able to experience it in a more controlled way, several things happened in my environment that definitely had to do with me. Indirectly. In any case, I was meant to see them happen:
One of my sister’s neighbors was beaten up in his own home, and a man and woman who were also present in the house were also severely beaten. The woman died as a result of her injuries. My sister had heard the neighbor moaning and had called the emergency services. (See my article Violent crime at my taken over sister’s neighbors’ place). I was absolutely certain that taken over people were involved and that there was more to it than met the eye. It also happened exactly on Pentecost, the moment the Holy Spirit is said to have been poured out upon the people. It may have been to give my neighbor a chance to repent, but it was also a way to scare me and perhaps other people in the neighborhood, so that they would retreat even further inside, because that is always the intention. A few weeks after these terrible events, my taken over sister was hit by a car and her car was totaled. (See my article Taken over sister gets hit by a car! Not a coincidence!). So suffering also came the way of taken over people, and I got an incredibly paternal feeling about protecting everyone, including taken over people. I thought again about how people can come to repentance through experiencing suffering and that it is necessary to experience pain in your life so that you can learn from it and grow. My understanding continued to expand and I could extend it to the point that I could even understand genocide. When a people refuse to learn and keep making the same mistakes, there has to be a stern teacher to put a stop to it. Because if you know how mistakes can be passed on from generation to generation, you can’t just let that happen. You have to watch what happens in the world, like a God would. Then the Great Plan, which works towards love and freedom, is in danger. Yet it felt as if I was going to justify evil and that was the moment I was jolted awake again, and I tried to take a stand against evil once more. I didn’t want to have anything to do with the hard teachers, but I did want to try to be as much of a soft teacher to people as possible and give them a glimpse into how the forces of evil function. Because if you listen to the gentle teachers, you will not encounter the hard teachers. That is why it is important that the soft teachers are given as much space as possible. It is then up to people to take this seriously or not, but remember that there is always a price to pay if you do not take it seriously.
These violent events were not the only thing that happened. If I wanted to become truly independent and as strong as possible, I also had to let go of the Center for Psychosis. The Center of Psychosis knew this, of course, and when the time had come for me to move on alone, they had my practitioner call me. He said that he had just happened to see that I had mentioned him in the article I had written. He acted like he was very angry. And he would press charges for libel if I did not take it offline. (See my article Treatment terminated after threat to report libel). The mental healthcare organization would support him in this complaint and would also file a complaint of libel themselves. The truth was not to be told. He said it would destroy him, that other people would choose not to be treated by him, and that he would lose income as a result, and his reputation would be damaged. That’s what narcissists always whine about when you tell the truth about them in public. But then again, reputational damage is a bit of a risk when you are engaged in such nefarious practices as he is, where you and your fellow Antichrist entities take over people to exert influence over vulnerable souls. Nevertheless, I removed his name offline because I was not strong enough to endure the pressure of a lawsuit, so I had no choice, although I know that the right thing to do is to just leave it alone, and justify myself in court and continue to spread the truth that way.
Psychologically, these intense events have made me a lot stronger. I no longer withdraw into my shell, and I am slowly becoming more confident in expressing my opinion. When things happen, I immediately write an article in which I reveal too much about myself, so in that respect I am completely naked, but this also protects me. Even though I was regularly angry and suffered a great deal of grief, I always kept asking myself: “What are they trying to teach me with this?” and that always got me through the difficult moments.
Before I left the mental health institution, the people who had been taken over there had shown me my diagnosis. Of course, they denied that they had been taken over and claimed that I was schizophrenic and had a delusional disorder, which is a kind of permanent psychosis. But that would mean that they have been treating me for years, and the diagnosis would now then be worse than ever, while they previously told me that I was no longer psychotic, which is exactly what made me dare to speak out again. How screwed up must I feel about those weirdos. Maybe they said it purely to give me an extra challenge: so that in the future I would learn to trust myself, no matter how someone else sees me, because that is the only thing that actually went wrong, the fear of the backlash when I started to express myself.
As I said, there is a possibility that the taken over people have simply experienced a kind of reset, that they have merged with their Higher Self and they have gotten back all the parts that were once rejected, as I describe in Being devoured further and further, and that we will all be reset that way, as I describe in my article The Great Reset: turning inside out. Then they probably won’t even realize that they are being used by God, and that there is a natural intelligence in what a person experiences in his or her life and what he or she encounters along the way. In that case, being taken over is nothing more than a failsafe mechanism of God to take care of people who are becoming too well known or people who have reached the end of their rope. Then there is not even a grand conspiracy of people who have been taken over, but the intelligence of the cosmos can create the illusion of such a grand conspiracy, which at a certain level is of course also real. But then I can also understand the schizophrenia diagnosis a little better, without necessarily calling it evil in the other person. I am completely open to this possibility, so it is not that I am overly convinced of one particular possibility, but I cannot simply repress all the things I noticed in all those situations. So I am trying to find an explanation for this that does justice to all the experiences.
In Section 3, I will elaborate on my opinion about the phenomenon of psychosis.