This article is offline now. It has reappeared under the title of Covid-19 in Section 3 of my story. You can still listen to the audio track of back then, but I may no longer approve certain parts of the info.
Jesse Musson
In this article I describe some experiences of late, and cover some info around Covid vaccinations.
I got the final warning last night that they are going to take me over. These Antichrist wolves will probably take me over on my birthday, a few days before the full moon.
Sexual fears are playing up. I have suffered from this since puberty. When I was doing well, I was completely rid of this, but now it's back again.
In this article I describe the advantage of women who dress modestly. You can judge them by their inner qualities without being distracted by their assets, which is something that can benefit both you and her in the long-term.
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