I was posting information on Facebook today in the comments. Below an article on my long-time favorite band Toto about a band member who had joined the band for a time, who talked about how the band’s lead guitarist, Steve Lukather, had threatened him, I posted how the men of Toto have also been taken over these days. They now jokingly call themselves The Dogz of Oz on their posters, after Dorothy’s little dog, named Toto, in The Wizard of Oz. And there is no question that they are Dogz, or dogs or wolves. These taken over Antichrist entities often use the wolf as a mascot/spirit animal. And everyone knows what wolves are like. Wild and very loyal to each other, even when they destroy their prey. In sharing that the men of the band have now been taken over as well, of course some other loyal wolf protested that it was all bullshit. In doing so, she did not respond to what my comment was mainly about, the fact that the men of Toto have been taken over, but she responded that it was bullshit because anyone could read the real reason they call themselves The Dogz of Oz on Google. As if the very name couldn’t exactly suit them very well and they couldn’t have multiple reasons at once why they call themselves that! So it was just ridiculous. Upon seeing the picture of this wolf, loyal to the band, I knew enough. A sassy broad who gives you a kiss, with the appearance of a porn star who is expired. And yes, that is exactly what loyal wild wolves are going to look like when they are taken over. They radiate evilness. So I trusted my intuition and cut her comments short by insulting her, which is not nice, but precisely in place when such a vage figure accuses me of bullshit.
But clearly I had gone too far, because when I fell asleep before I wrote this article, I had a bizarre dream. In that dream, I felt my heart stop and all the blood being pumped out of me. The computer program called Jesse was shutting down. Meanwhile, I noticed that I could just keep breathing. The computer was restarting. At some point I felt my blood being pumped back into me, and it finished restarting, at which point I came back online. I thought: have I been taken over now? At that point I woke up again, and I was just at home and I felt exactly the same. My suspicion is that after the first warning of November 26 (see the article December update: first warning), this was now the second warning. The first warning was Lucifer, and does no harm. The second warning was Satan, and was a step stronger than the first, but also still does no harm. The final action will be when I am really taken over. That is the Antichrist. That will probably be the next time I tell someone the truth. Because hey, they can’t have that hey, that you go around telling people the truth. Of course, this world is based entirely on lies, and if you tell too much truth, you have to be taken over by the cowards and silenced. If the Antichrist intervenes, you will be taken over, as a kind of parody of the resurrection of Christ, although with Christ you will probably just remain yourself, and as Antichrist you might die, but I could be wrong. By the way, today, the day I got the second warning, is exactly as far away from the first warning, as it is from my birthday soon, so maybe they picked that as the date it will happen. It’s also almost full moon then, the time when werewolves perform their evil deeds, and I can confirm that these Antichrist entities that call themselves wolves use the lunar cycle for their cruel acts, and that’s how the werewolf myth originated as well. When you produce works as Christ-activated humans to counteract the deeds of these Antichrists, you must do so mostly when it is the full moon. The rest of the cycle is then to make plans for the next full moon. And to work toward this discharge during the full moon.
Needless to say, I am a bit shocked to have had my second and final warning. I’m not looking forward to the moment when it’s going to happen. And it’s scary, that when I seek freedom and just be myself, people keep saying I’m not like that, as if it’s very bad how I am when I’m myself. But it’s not. I’m just tired of all these vague characters trying to control me. Let me just state my opinion instead of trying to control that. Of course, there are more constructive ways to express yourself, so I just went back to typing. But other than that, I don’t regret my actions, because I thought they were perfectly in place!