When my therapists started treating my personality disorder again and in my conversations with my psychiatrist I was told that I no longer had a psychotic vulnerability, but an anxiety disorder (and therefore still had the personality disorder), I felt encouraged to express my psychotic-like thoughts. Because if I was no longer psychotic, then it could very well be reality. I spoke about it for the first time to my case manager Sharon from the Center for Psychosis, sometime in 2018. I had not thought at all about my dream about the grey alien, who had forbidden me to talk about it, and took a courageous first step in sharing this information with those around me.
Almost immediately after, I was triggered for the first time by someone I knew from the Activity Center, but whom I had not seen for a long time. She had been posting very fanatically and very unsympathetically about veganism for several weeks. But suddenly she posted an image of herself in which she looked like a reptilian alien (Image 2). She later said it had been a projector. But in my opinion it clearly hinted at the information of David Icke and Donald Marshall.

Image 2
Woman looking like a reptilian alien
Why did she post this when I had just shared it with my case manager for the first time? I was in a state of panic and thought I was going mad. I responded to this image and the lady posted a text with it that said the masses are psychotic and the damaged individual is the only one who can see reality. At least, that was what it came down to. I asked her if she had been taken over. She denied it, but I knew damn well what had happened. Yet I still had a lot of doubts about it and didn’t dare to stand up for myself or sound the alarm.
About a year later, the second victim followed, someone I knew from the Activity Center, someone I hadn’t spoken to in a while, but who had started calling again recently. She said she had lost a lot of weight on a diet. I didn’t feel the need for contact myself, and she had also been rather clingy and demanding on the phone lately, which I didn’t appreciate. So I always picked up the phone reluctantly. But at a certain point she also posted things that specifically frightened me (keeping the information of David Icke and Donald Marshall in the back of my mind), such as a dinosaur’s mouth, and other confrontational posts that applied to me. And worst of all: she posted very vulnerable memories of herself, something she would never have done if she were still herself. And then I did the math again. I knew they had taken her over too.
This set off a whole series of triggers in various people, and I could not help but conclude that these were specifically set off to treat me, as a kind of exposure therapy for my fears. It is impossible to dismiss everything as coincidence. No, the Center for Psychosis had not instructed patients to secretly treat me. It was much worse. They had taken over these people, so that they were under the control of the Mental Health center, but the loyalty of these taken over people did not lie with the Mental Health center, but with a much higher power. The Mental Health center, like most institutions/companies/governments in this world, has a satanic attitude. That means they are focused on giving a compressing treatment. That is to say: focused on controlling aggression, causing you to feel your anger in your body. But that happens to be a very painful treatment for my problems, because I was never allowed to be angry in the past, and that is when you really need your aggression. All the women who had rejected me specifically, first in a nasty way to trigger my anger, and then in a sweet way to trigger my grief, had fulfilled a Satanic role. Only when they deliberately revealed that these people had been taken over, openly displaying the first victim like an alien on Facebook, did they switch to the Antichrist role, which, unlike the Satanic role, does not just cause compression of the mind, but rather a destructive compression of the mind, which you have to be much stronger to handle. I had already experienced this Antichrist energy as a young child, in the form of my father’s destructive attacks on me, at a time when I was not yet ready for it and had not yet been sufficiently strengthened by Satanic energy, which is supposed to be a very dominant energy in upbringing and is about compressing criticism, which can really strengthen someone. Only then are you able to stand up to the Antichrist energy.
At a certain point, after my fellow clients and colleagues, my neighbors were also taken over, and not just the people from the mental health institution. I knew this because of a big lie that one neighbor told. We never had much contact, but for months she was regularly at my door. And I often couldn’t get rid of her because I didn’t dare to set my boundaries. But I only really realized it was this neighbor when she called me and told me that the neighbor had disappeared. That the door of the shed was open and that she had found his keys on the lid of the trash can. Fifteen minutes later she called to say she had found the neighbor and that they were now downstairs at another neighbor’s house. I went straight over, but no one was home…. So it was a huge lie. And then I was sure they had gotten to her too. A day or so later I angrily confronted her at the door. She dared me to come in and we would talk about it, but I refused and controlled myself. And I went back home. If you do not control your anger with these entities, they can take over your mind. So in that respect it is very important that you know your place and do not become overconfident…
This neighbor also suddenly became very close with another neighbor below me, something they had never done before. Of course, this can happen. But here too, it was clear to me that they had taken over this other neighbor as well. So when I walked by once and they said, “Come and sit down. Would you like a drink?” I didn’t feel very comfortable. Especially when that neighbor said that the ophthalmologist had discovered a blood stain in her eye, which again indirectly referred to Donald Marshall’s information about the vril aliens who stab you in the eye. When I also found an appropriate image in a post by someone on Facebook, I became completely nervous (Image 3).

Image 3
Man with bloodshot eye
The neighbors had also taken on a different energy: one of claiming aggression, which then manifests itself in a very exaggeratedly friendly and mocking manner. The same as what the ‘second victim’ did to me on the phone. I can recognize that kind of fake love from a mile away.
The attack on me and my environment had now truly begun, and I became increasingly certain that it was the truth that I had sensed. And I knew I had to do something! I would launch an attack on anyone who threatened me or those around me. I made a first version of my website as quickly as possible and posted my first article on it, hoping it would stop these Antichrist forces. Because I really didn’t want them to take over my best friends and family…