
In this article I will reveal the anagram of our possible new prime-minister Dick Schoof's name. And I mention a few examples of taken over singers at home and abroad.

The anagram of Dick Schoof and more taken over people

Table of contents

The possible new prime-minister
The taking over of people
Two Dutch singers who were taken over
Two singers abroad who were taken over

The possible new prime-minister

Finally, the possible new prime minister of the Netherlands has been revealed! Dick Schoof! Those who have read my article Roko’s basilisk: the AI that already exists from April 3, 2024, know that anagrams of people’s names often say a lot about the person. And now let Dick Schoof have a wonderful anagram. You can hardly believe it, but Dick Schoof’s anagram is Cofid Shock. And he certainly has shock on his face, with those bloodshot eyes of his. So if you’re wondering why he’s being pushed forward, the answer is that the misery he’s going to cause is written in the stars and therefore in his name. Probably the Covid or Cofid misery is not over yet, and we will have a big follow-up episode. Of course, I hope it won’t be the truth, which I describe in my previous article as well, but in that article I also describe that the general sound you hear on TV has changed and that we might go from good times to bad times. I did see the Dragon Abraxas of Thuban on the Birth of Gaia message board describe a principle, which says that in dealing with people you should keep the polarization going until it is maximized, and then at the apex you should reverse the polarization completely. The Dragons run the world, as he also says in those posts, and they do so by taking over human bodies, which he does not say, but which I know. And those Dragons are constantly treating ordinary humans, that do have souls. My interpretation of his statement is that when polarization is maximized, then you need to start encouraging the opposite sound, and then we go from good times to bad times or vice versa. I think we were in that maximized state a few months ago, and we are now on our way to the opposite apex, and so we are in the beginning of the bad times. We will see if that will come true, but mister AIVD Cofid Shock is a nasty harbinger of this.

The taking over of people

And yes, it’s a fact, that more and more people around the world are being taken over. I have already described that in detail on my site. In fact, you can follow all the events since they launched the attack on my surroundings, and all the people around me were taken over. This was a terrible experience for me, especially because I intervened too late, thereby unable to prevent the death of any of the people who followed afterward. Because if you give it away once and allow it, they see it as a license to take over everyone. These attacks are carried out on millions of people around the world, and those who don’t realize it and those who let it all happen end up being taken over themselves. They often start with someone who had been taken over for some time. This is the first case in your area. If you don’t realize it, then they start actively taking over people in your area. If you don’t realize it the second time, because you are not familiar with the information, and you let it happen, or you do realize it but don’t take action, then they see it as a license to take over everyone around you, which is exactly what happened to me.

At this take-over, the original soul of the person in question is pushed out of the body. The soul rises to the head and leaves the body through the top of the spine. Some taken over people hint at this. The soul that replaces the soul pushed out of the body, is a Dragon, and it has the full memory of the death of the first soul, should the first soul have been aware of it. Crazy, but it is the truth. To handle this life-threatening situation, the Dragon needs its aggression. And so that is what they are known for. In the chapter How to notice taken over people from Section 3 of my story, I describe how to notice these Dragons. The aggression is usually not obvious, because they descend very well into the personality of the original human being, which is formed by the memories, which the Dragon receives all at once at the moment he takes over the soul in question. Because of this, when it has just happened, they often have a kind of gaze in their eyes as if they are stoned, and have looked into very bright light. I have seen this in several people, and it looks exactly like the gaze of people who have done a lot of astral projection, i.e. as if they have looked into very bright light.

In the chapter A healthy way to develop yourself from Section 3 of my story, I describe that there are two ways to develop yourself. The left hand path and the right hand path. In one, you first get as pious as you can and then work toward the middle way, and in the other, you first get as angry as you can and then work toward the middle way. I myself took the path of getting as angry as possible. That was when I was in my aggression, something they had encouraged me to do in clinical therapy and which increased my quality of life tremendously. Because I carry enormous baggage from a traumatic childhood. Then I worked towards a middle ground in part-time therapy, which unfortunately ended very dramatically, because a very important trauma had been overlooked. I completely lost the capability to become angry in myself, which is not healthy and because of this I faced the Satanic forces in the world. These are taken over people who play a Satanic role, aimed at wanting to achieve compression in your mind. This is about boundaries, limitation, that which you are not allowed to do, and so on. Those who do not listen to this, and so those who do not understand the role of this Satanic limitation, they are harassed all the time. People who are traumatized often want to escape from that in later life, and then they resist all boundaries and limitation, upon which they are confronted by these powers. They complain, for example, about street theater: random people walking down the street making rotten remarks, or starting fights. This is purely to teach you to respect another person’s boundaries. If you show, that you can do that, and you can let go of the excessive expansion and become more balanced, then the street theater also stops.

Two Dutch singers who were taken over

Someone who has been dealt with by the Satanic powers, which we could all follow online, is for example, Glennis Grace, known abroad for her Whitney Houston tributes on YouTube, who could always give me goosebumps when singing, and of course has reached so many people in the past here in Holland because of her expansive, somewhat more folksy Luciferic nature. I don’t mean this in a negative way, although many people will think of the devil when they think of Lucifer, but no, it’s more of a kind of consciousness, a kind of way of being, and we need to face both Luciferic spiritual fighters and Satanic materialistic nerds with love. But Luciferic and Satanic people are like water and fire. They fight each other. And that is an unbalanced state, because a human being has both good and bad feelings, and you have to face them both with love. The ruling powers know this. And have long since learned to transcend this. With them, you often see that they can assume either a Luciferic role or a Satanic role, and it depends on how you treat them. Glennis Grace was clearly in an unbalanced Luciferic state, and with requisite street theater, the Satanic powers launched an attack on her, provoking arguments. This is no accident. She was truly targeted, and she could not embrace this with love. Indeed, it degenerated into a brawl, with a lawsuit afterwards. Again, this is that Satanic power that wants to fight her Luciferic nature. If such an souled human being then comes to repentance, then the Satanic powers are satisfied, but then the Antichrist powers are unleashed on the person, who go one step further. And want to make someone not only learn to deal with compression, but now even with destructive compression. I suspect this happened to her, and they started taking over people with her as well. Because when I see her now, I can only conclude, she’s not the real Glennis anymore. When she was just taken over, she suddenly started posting videos like this one, where she clearly tests if she can still sing as well as the original Glennis. But it’s clearly all loud screams, nothing else. The new Glennis has only one mode. 100% gain. No nuance. Totally different from for example these performances Run To You, Greatest Love Of All, where she clearly shows that she can sing very sensitively, and that really gives me goosebumps. Wonderful!

I think the same thing happened to Dutch singer Gordon, who was duped by his boyfriend in Dubai. That friend said he wanted to get married, and Gordon was overjoyed, but in the end he stabbed him in the back. And this is what actually happens when you are “treated” by these Dragons. This often involves a lot of betrayal and back stabbing. So I suspect that Gordon had not been taken over all this time. Sometimes I say that all famous people have been taken over, but it is not so black and white. Gordon acts completely like a caricature and his new styling is like Bob de Rooij, a Dutch comedy character. Many times, taken over people change something about their appearance so that you don’t realize that they have a totally different energy, and are not actually the same. Furthermore, he comes across as a vessel of contradictions: for that, watch for example this bizarre interview (sorry, only in Dutch), where the energy does not match how he acts and what he says. He’s become totally fake, trying to come across as correct as possible, when in fact he’s secretly enraged, like a real Dragon. Here you can see him with Glennis Grace. They have both become fake creeps. They play a role, and are obviously much less pronounced than the original souls that were in the bodies.

Two singers abroad who were taken over

There are also plenty of examples abroad of people being taken over, especially when they become too famous! An obvious example was Dua Lipa, the singer who became best known for her song New Rules. Back then, she was still her original self. Also in this clip she is still very much her original self. Only when she became really famous, after performing on Jimmy Kimmel, did she go off the rails. On that performance, again, she looks beautiful, and clearly shows that she is uncomfortable with the dress she has chosen, as she keeps pulling it down, but also clearly shows a kind of dead look, which I’m sure is caused by the very normal tension of becoming known and singing in front of a large audience. Normally this is not so noticeable, but the bigger the audience, the more obvious it often becomes. She probably thought that fame is singing songs to many people, but no, it involves much more. In the end, it even involves being taken over by Dragon entities… Also in this performance we see that she is clearly uncomfortable with the clothes she has chosen (or that others have chosen for her). Her nipple keeps flopping out, and she realizes this, and as befits a civilized girl, she is uncomfortable with this, and tries with all her might to get it all right again. Here it becomes clear that she is a souled being, who has a bit of difficulty with what being famous demands of her. She also stands out somewhat pale, against the very expressive and stunning dancers.
A few months later, however, she suddenly transforms into a totally different person. Her insecurity completely lost, she is suddenly wearing totally different clothes, much more gym wear, and clearly letting go of her original identity. Her look in her eyes has changed. She has become much bolder, and she now completely goes along with what fame demands of her. As a result, many people think she has experienced tremendous growth, but the reality is unfortunately otherwise. She was at one point simply taken over. This is the meaning of selling your soul to the devil. By signing a contract you will lose your soul, upon which a Dragon replacement takes over your body. This performance again has great occult content, something these entities are known for. You should see all the creeps around her longing for her, entranced by her defiant mannerisms. And it’s all served up as entertainment, and people love it. Until you find out what really happened to that civilized Albanian/English girl.
Hans Wormhat speculates on his channel that Dua Lipa might actually be a man, and that she’s secretly transgender, and ties it to his theory that all famous people are transgender secretly and lie about it, but that’s really the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. And this rape of truth has to stop on all these channels. It’s always rednecks who think every woman around them is a man. It’s never about men who are actually women. What is true is that the Antichrist Dragons who take over the original people are androgynous entities who can play both a male role and a female role. They mix male and female traits or positive and negative feelings in the mind, and through this they challenge the traditional roles of male and female, which come mainly from Christian values. There it is precisely about learning to control the negative feelings or instincts. Only then can true freedom emerge. Because someone who has very much aggression on the surface can never be free, precisely because we cannot hit each other in the face. But Hans Wormhat is overwhelmingly taken over himself. That is why he spouts such nonsense. Because Dragons are fond of sowing confusion and putting lies into the world.

Taking over people is ultimately what happens in all countries with most people who speak too much truth or become too well-known, so too with South Korean Yerin Baek. Her song Square positively caught my eye, and she also looks beautiful again. If you watch one version from 2018, for example this one, you will see that Yerin does not yet have a big dragon tattoo on her arm, but already has a lot of other tattoos, something that many people see as adornment of your body that you should not judge, but I often find it to be a defilement of your body. What stands out in the 2018 videos, this one too, is that Yerin still comes across as very real, as a flesh-and-blood human being with a soul, who is visibly happy when people like her music, and who sings her songs very sensitively. You can still really touch her soul. Then when we look at performances from 2022 and 2023, we see a totally different person, with a huge dragon tattoo on her arm, who has completely lost her insecurity again, and who can no longer be touched in her soul. If you’re sensitive to someone’s energy, you can’t believe that the same singer is standing there, and neither is. Another example from 2023. Don’t be fooled by the pretty picture. The dragon tattoo only gives me more confirmation. By the way, you see those more and more. Every weirdo has a tattoo these days, and the dragon tattoos are unstoppable. “Dragons” is how they call themselves. It has to do with their Reptilian roots. Which is about the reptilian brain, the deepest parts of your brain, or actually the brain stem, which is responsible for receiving the automatic functions, and instincts. One basic tenet of Dragonhood, is giving one’s aggression free rein. Just by giving it space and feeling it, it makes sure you won’t be aggressive toward each other, is the thinking. And there is something to that. He who wants to heal, must feel, people always say in therapy circles.


So, in conclusion, there are plenty of examples to point to, as far as the taking over of people goes. Look around you, and you see it happening everywhere. The only way to gain control over this phenomenon is to be aware of what is happening, and then make it public. And keep doing that. Don’t accept it. Because if you accept it, it will soon be end of story…

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