

This article puts World War II into perspective and explains one big lie of it.

The Holo Hoax

One subject that still scares people when you question it, is the Holocaust. As if you yourself were guilty of gassing Jews by questioning it, which of course is not true, and which is therefore not very decent of them to portray you as. Those who read David Icke find out that the Western world is run by Zionists, who listen to the Rothschild family. David Icke calls them Rothschild Zionists, and gives the evidence in several of his books. Knowing that these Zionists have a big part in controlling the banking world, the media, politics, religion and so on, it would not even be such a strange idea, to think that the extreme story of the gas chambers was a made up conspiracy theory to create a victim status for these Zionists in positions of power, because physical evidence is absolutely non-existent for these events, only stories of ‘hearsay’, and people who keep parroting each other and confirming each other in this victim status, which has a function. By the way, these powerful Zionists look down heavily on the ordinary Jewish people and perpetuate racist interpretations of Jews against non-Jews, the ‘Gojim’. You can then go right ahead as a Zionist with your plans, and if someone criticizes you, you pull the ‘anti-Semitism card’ and immediately end up in a perpetrator-victim relationship with the other person as supposedly Jew-gassing Hitler, and the Zionist/Jew as supposedly defenseless victim. This, of course, is a dynamic that helps no one, because reality is completely different. No one is above criticism, including Jewish or Zionist people. I think everyone should critically examine their own views. The same goes for all people who hold a certain ideology that is not balanced. I have no ideology in principle, but try to give everyone room to talk, except when it is destructive. This would then be the moment upon which you have to be critical, and upon which you have to be able to prove by use of the Word that someone is going beyond the Divine Order that is secretly in place here on Earth.

Critically examining certain fixed ideas we have in the Western world does not hurt anyone. Of most things that the masses think they know, not a shred will remain if you start researching it. And people often act as if we should all think the same, which is very tyrannical. And that is also the case with this subject. It’s ridiculous that the social media mob wants you in jail if you ask questions about the Holocaust, out of misplaced gut feelings, which have been conditioned like that for years, and it’s ridiculous that they would accuse people of denying it. The word “deny” implies that the gas chambers were real, and they simply weren’t, so in that sense no one is denying anything. Here in the Netherlands the thumbscrews will also be tightened from November 2024, on the people who proclaim the truth of all this. When controlled what to think, I am always wary, because then it can never contain much truth and it can also hide the real truth. Above all, it’s tyrannical to want to control someones thoughts.

The story most people know of World War II is told from the victor’s point of view: the Americans are pure good, and the Nazis pure evil, and Hitler is the most evil man imaginable. Those who eventually get a more nuanced view of what happened after watching some videos or reading the right books see that Hitler pulled Germany out of a deep crisis and stood up to the communist Jews and bankers who had destroyed Germany, and who hated Germany before Hitler even hated them. The nationalism for Germany was so great with Hitler that he wanted to expand Germany, and that was unbalanced and immoral. And therefore it is understandable, that Churchill was not satisfied with Hitler’s many proposals for peace. Hitler, as often happens with powerful politicians, started out as a sincere person, although his rise was orchestrated behind the scenes. For the intention was to greatly increase the influence of the Satanic powers, and destroy the Luciferic expansion altogether. However, the gifts of both sides are needed in a human being, as well the inner expansion that belongs to the Nazis, as the inner compression that belongs to the Jews/Zionists. Indeed, the Satanic (of the Zionists) is even one step more evil than the Luciferic (of Hitler), because the Satanic wants to destroy the expansion of the Luciferic by portraying even its gifts (healthy pride, freedom, tradition) as the ultimate evil. However, the Luciferic and the Satanic are evil only to the undeveloped mind. Those who walk the middle path, which is the path of the true Christ, can embrace both with loving confrontation, and curb evil from both sides. You can do that, by showing morality on the one hand (which gives Lucifer his way), and by giving understanding on the other hand (which is the desire of Satanic powers). Read the first two chapters of Section 3 of my story for more info about what I mean when talking about Lucifer or Satan.

If you watch the film by David Cole, an atheist Jew who researched Auschwitz in his film David Cole, A Jew Exposing The Holocaust, you will soon see that in Auschwitz nothing is what it seems, and that while there is evidence for the use of Zyklon-B in the laundries and in delousing, it is completely lacking for anything like gas chambers. Lies were also told in the past about soap made from the fat of dead Jews, and lampshades made from Jewish skin, but that happened not to catch on with the people, the myth of gas chambers did. Of further interest is Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told, also watchable on Bitchute, which tells the other side of the story of World War II, a story that most people really only know from one side, the side of the victors, the Allies, who committed just as many atrocities as the Nazis. Also Europe - The Last Battle is a good film that highlights the other side. These films are diametrically opposed to the story of the victors, and therefore are a bit shocking on the first watch, but they make good points, allowing you to construct a middle path.

This blog article shows the real number of deads in the labor camps, which are around 280,000, which is of course far too many, but far from the so-called 6 million. Conditions were especially bad toward the end of the war, and there were many diseases in the labor camps. They were not concentration or extermination camps, as there was even entertainment, and doctors and dentists. The blog article describes in detail how the Holocaust lie came about. And my addition is that with the help of taken over people who are all controlled, the lie is perpetuated. For the purpose of protecting the Satanic Zionist powers so that they can continue to perform their transformative function. “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee,” reads the last book of the Bible (Openbaring 3:9). Think carefully who might that be about? I have already given the answer. Furthermore, the figure of 6 million Jews appeared in many publications even before World War II. It comes from the Talmud, which warns of a holocaust of 6 million. People were conditioned with this number again and again, both before and after the war, but it actually isn’t based on anything.

Besides that, the Abrahamic religions (including Christianity) have become quite corrupted with Satanic influences, in the last centuries. Whoever feels his own self, and has really worked through and learn to control his own aggression, simply trusts in himself, and does not need all kinds of rules or a whole book of law to do the right thing or to get closer to God. Because the excessive rules are the greatest characteristic of the Satanic. It wants to put you in a prison, for trivial things. Furthermore, a movement like Zionism is simply evil. Claiming a piece of land where other people live, for yourself, from an orchestrated and conditioned victim status that is presented many times larger than it really is, is not something to be proud of. But the creation of the state of Israel was precisely the purpose of the Holocaust lie.

In Johan Oldenkamp’s PateoPedia we find the following facts:

“In the official Latin Bible from the Middle Ages, which was the only version allowed by the Vatican, the word holocausta, which was taken from the Greek olókaustos (transliterated). Its meaning is “wholly (hólos) burnt (kaústos)”, or ‘burnt offering’ in other words. After the Second World War (abbreviated as WWII). The designation of ‘holocaust’ was given to perhaps the greatest historical forgery ever, because there were only ‘labor camps’ in Nazi Germany during WWII, meaning no ‘concentration camps’ and most certainly no ‘death camps’. It is true that too many people died in these labor camps, but not a single one by gasification. According to the World Almanac and Book of Facts, there were 15,630,000 Jews worldwide in 1934, and in 1946 there were 15,753,638. The allegation that in the intervening years 6 million Jews would have been murdered by the Nazi regime is completely impossible. Not only requires this lie that more than 6 million Jewish babies must have been born between 1934 and 1946 (in order to remain this Jewish population at the almost the same amount), but also the surviving Jews must have had 1¼ child on average. When assuming an average life span of 80 years, as well as the assumption that only mothers aged between 20 and 40 had children, then the average Jewish family must have had 5 children born in that period. This simple calculation clearly shows the impossibility of the Holohoax, because such a baby boom in theses crisis and war years never occured. There is much more to be said about this, but this is the core: the Nazi Holocaust was a Zionistic lie needed for the unlawful state of Israel to become established and to become populated. Worldwide, there are many so-called “revisionists” who challenge the official Holocaust narrative.”

Abraxas from Thuban (a taken over Dragon who posted on the Birth of Gaia forum), confirms that Hitler was at some point taken over (as a walk-in, exactly what happens in my surroundings to many people) by a Luciferic entity. Lucifer, when unbalanced, represents extreme self-love. “I’m okay, you’re not okay!” And that’s very apt for what happened in World War II. Beyond that, the Zionists who are now in American politics, and who have a big influence on Western European countries, are descendants of the Nazis who took shelter in America after the war in Project Paperclip. Nazionists, or Zionazi’s they are called by some people. Can you be Zionist and a Nazi? At the same time? Yes, you can, if you understand that both sides are controlled and financially supported by the same people. Many Jews unfortunately allow themselves to be misled by Zionazi’s who are in power and want endless wars. There are many casualties in this, for man keeps making the same mistakes over and over again, and does not learn. And if one does not learn with a soft teacher, then the hard teacher appears. But my firm belief is that ultimately those who pick up the Sword will die by the Sword. And that those who fight with the Word have eternal life, if not in this life, then maybe in the afterlife. So it’s important that the Word is allowed to be shared freely, precisely so that we don’t pick up the Sword. Wanting to prevent people from picking up the Sword by banning the Word is very foolish, and very dangerous, yet that is really what is happening all over the Western world due to the influence of the Satanic Zionists, who want to criminalize normal behavior, and do not intervene in truly evil behavior. They should be confronted by both the Luciferic people (who are mostly anti-State), and the true Christians.

I have already mentioned in this article that Christianity has become Satanic, and there is also a lot of Satanic corruption on the Jewish side. But Islam is also a big Satanic corruption. Many Muslims think that if they don’t drink alcohol and don’t eat pork and as long as they compulsively say (or shout) Insh’Allah, Alhamdulillah, Alayhis salam and Allahu Akbar, they are a good person, which of course is nonsense. Here in the Netherlands there are big problems with some of them, all of them obediently going to their mosque, but then urinating under your seat when riding a train (really happened to me), throwing garbage in your face (also really happened to me) or threatening you while you are in a traffic jam (also happened to me). For a long time you were not allowed to name the major problem of crime among those groups and you were especially not allowed to criticize it, because then you were indecent, or racist or xenophobic. And you didn’t have to see that in perspective, no, you had to reject it adamantly according to these people, because you are only allowed to say good things about people apparently. Because we all have to suppress ourselves so that we can be one in a kind of love paradise where there is only positivity, and we all cuddle with each other for eternity, preferably with as many people as possible at the same time, doesn’t matter what color, what gender, because preference is not allowed either. Love for everyone, because everyone is good! Unfortunately, this kind of love (which often amounts to condoning or denying evil in other people) is not the love I find conducive for this world! It may be love for others, but it is hatred or fear of self (oikophobia), it is a form of false light: “I am not okay, you are okay,” and this can be called Satanic, the opposite of what I described with Lucifer’s self-love. Of course, the path we should all work toward, with the help of the influences at play in this world, is the middle path: ‘I am okay, you are okay,’ on which Lucifer and Satan are both rendered harmless. But if people refuse to learn this, and they will refuse, because it is very difficult, then unfortunately we will see many more wars, which are nothing but the hard teacher of the then prevailing evil forces. There is a benign place for this confrontation. But it gets problematic when this powerful and mighty goodness does not reach the right people at the right times. And this is the real evil, and it is practiced not only by taken over people (because they are very controlled from above and look at what YOU and I allow), but by humanity itself, which does evil by making mistakes and allowing others to do evil.

We are told that the truth about World War II would be unnecessarily hurtful to people who lost family members in the war. Of course it is good that we remember those who died in war, because it should absolutely never happen. In that sense, it is important that we keep it alive. But to pretend that there was a genocide of 6 million when there wasn’t, is ridiculous. Jewish people should be glad, that it didn’t take place, and they should be more critical of their leaders, and of the whole falsification of World War II history, because there are too many frauds in the world. And when you have grief, it’s good to cry just as long as you can until there are no tears anymore. To refuse to cry for eighty years, and then make life miserable for anyone who does not affirm you in your victim status and even forbid them to talk about it, because it would be “unnecessarily hurtful”, is completely insane. I have had more grief in my life than anyone else. That can only be worked through by confronting it. I have lost all my family and all my friends. All were killed and taken over by Antichrist entities, and I worked through it all until there were no tears anymore, and I could move on. The only way forward is to not shy away from the facts and emotions, even if it is hard. And I hope we can all give each other a shoulder for that, and help each other let go of old anger and grief, and see the facts as they are. Only then can we convincingly say:

“Never again!”

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Section 1: 1984-2017

Section 1


An overview of my intense childhood, how my treatment for severe anxiety and identity issues went all wrong, and how I deal with the disastrous consequences.

Section 2: 2018-2025

Section 2


How I discover information about entities taking over bodies and how these entities eventually open the attack on me and those around me.

Section 3: various topics

Section 3

various topics

An explanation for my experiences in therapy, multiple other things I have discovered in my quest for truth, and my opinion on additional matters.




These are some of the articles I have written over time. Some are offline now, but have reappeared in the three sections of my story.


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