

In this chapter I pose the question of whether we may be in Satan's ‘little season’ after Christ's Millennial Kingdom, which may be cloaked by the Middle Ages.

The Millennial Reign of Christ

Table of contents

The Millennial Reign of Christ took place in the Middle Ages: alternative history research sheds light onto the great deception

History as known from the year 0 is a bit strange, because we have a period of 1000 years, from 500 to 1500 in which not much happened: the Middle Ages. In Volume 1 of Anatoly Fomenko’s History: Fiction or Science  (Volume I | Volume II | Volume III | Volume IV | Volume V), we find that the timeline we use in history books is the Scaligerian timeline, devised by Josephus Justus Scaliger. But Fomenko argues that there are many problems with this timeline. And that many events that supposedly happened in ancient times actually happened in the Middle Ages. The timeline of known events thus becomes a lot shorter. Also, Roman numerals are misinterpreted, causing shifts of 1,000 years, as well as smaller shifts. Read from pdf page 375 (336 of the book) in Volume 1 by Fomenko for detailed information. What becomes plausible through this, is that the timeline has been tampered with quite a bit. For example, we see a lot of coins and maps showing years like I621 or J731. Usually it is then pretended that we are dealing with 1621 and 1731. But it is striking that the first sign (I or J) differs from the last sign (1). The first sign is probably an I or J followed by the real year 621. The I and J’s would stand for Iesous/Iesu/Jesus. On buildings commonly seen in cities worldwide, these I’s or J’s are often replaced with 1’s. But there has also been a lot of messing around with 1s, I’s and J’s in other places.

That is why Rene Mäkel of the website De Loonslaaf went to look at the Stevenskerk in Arnhem here in the Netherlands, where there are still a lot of old tombstones, and he found many tombstones there with dates with J’s and I’s. See here 12 parts of the series Tartaria in Arnhem (sorry, only in Dutch), which can also be watched on his YouTube channel. The part with the I’s and J’s is Part 8.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 |

The year numbers on coins, maps, and tombstones would represent the year in Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, so that means we need to dive into the Bible and consider that more of what it says may be true. It could mean that the Tribulation and end-time prophecies brought out in the Bible book of Revelation took place in the past, before the beginning of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, just like the Second Coming of Christ. The absolute wealth of cathedrals and other architecture in this world would then be evidence of this Millennial Kingdom, which ended somewhere between the 16th-19th century after 1,000 years, with a great catastrophe, a kind of reset. There is evidence that the quality of construction/building materials at that time was much better than today’s construction, and it is often impossible to understand how ancestors of people who were more primitive than us (after all, they were still walking the streets by horse and carriage in the early 19th century), manufactured such beautiful and intricate architecture.

I have presented humanity’s spiritual development so far as a linear progression. I have described that the Luciferic powers gained the upper hand after the Fall of Man, and that when the Luciferic influence became too great, God intervened with the karmic consequence of Lucifer’s disobedience: the Satanic powers, which then began to assert their influence, ensuring that humanity can take the path back to obedience to God, while maintaining Luciferic independence. But it could also be that we are not simply in a linear progression in which we evolve back to God, as suggested in the work of Rudolf Steiner and, for example, the work of Blavatsky, but that there are cycles, lasting, say, 7,000 years, in which certain specific events can clearly be discerned, and that the evil forces (Lucifer/Satan/Antichrist) are teaching us in this, as I stated in an earlier chapter, to listen to the benign forces, the three parts of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The first 2000 years would then be the millennials of the Father, the second 2000 years the millennials of the Son, the third 2000 years the millennials of the Holy Spirit, the 1000 years remaining would then be the rest “day,” the time of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. So it is then very important how you use these forces for your development.

Evidence that a reset occurred can also be seen in the wildly popular “mud flood” research, which states that probably in the first half of the 19th century, a global mud flood occurred, and that the so-called global “Tartarian” civilization (which I call Christ’s Millennial Kingdom) was reset at that time, after which the traces of this civilization were erased with a false history. The buildings of this civilization are mostly intact, but the lower floors of these buildings are buried under thick layers of mud. In many buildings you can see this by the road that runs right through a floor. The so-called cellars that then seem to emerge are mostly only part of what is still underneath in some cases. The Ridderzaal at the Binnenhof in The Hague, too, was a higher building in the past, because here too there is a thick layer of mud at the level of the lower parts of the building, shown in this clip by Martin Liedtke.

There are more rumors that something strange happened in the 18th/19th century, and that the people who were present in the cities in those times did not actually belong in those cities. In other words, they rediscovered these cities (which were probably built in the time of Christ’s Millennial Reign)! Also, the fact that there were many orphan trains in those times and those orphans found new parents with whom they then mostly went to work, lays the suspicion that in that way children were forcibly and deliberately cut off from their origins. The many emerging “madhouses” also raised the suspicion, that the people who knew full well what their origins were and refused to deny them, were put into these madhouses, where they received mostly inhumane treatment, and which was the beginning of the demonization of these so-called “psychotic” people, who actually saw the very truth. How do you deal with people who know the real history? This is how!

The many Saints depicted in ancient images may also be evidence of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. The Saints then are those who received improved bodies at the beginning of these 1000 years because they remained faithful to Christ in the years after His death. These bodies probably did not need to defecate and urinate and this explains the total lack of sanitation in the buildings of that time. For such intricate architecture, and then no sanitation, is remarkable to say the least. During these 1,000 years, then, the evil forces were temporarily confined.

What we know as history would be completely falsified, and the Middle Ages would be artificially added, and serve to mask this Millennial Kingdom. Us living in a time of only lies is absolutely obvious! We would be in the time now, after the time of the Millennial Kingdom, where Satan and the other evil forces are let loose for a while, before the Final Judgment takes place, which explains the rise of materialism in the world from the 19th century onward, and the huge amount of lies, because Satan is the father of lies! Those are Christ’s words.

It also means that we may be “the rest of the dead” (Revelation 20:4-5). This means that we are the souls who died before the Seventh Millennium or the souls who did not choose Christ. And that, after the Millennial Kingdom, we participated in the “Second Resurrection/Resurrection,” in which we were most likely incarnated in new (imperfect) bodies, and we are now given a chance in this short period (“a little season,” i.e., presumably about a few hundred years) to purify ourselves of evil and still choose Christ until the Final Judgment takes place, which could be any time. Here’s a video of an 1814 Bible, which states that the Seventh Millennium, that is, Christs’ Millennium Kingdom, has already taken place.

The Final Judgment then, in my opinion, would be the split that I foresee, where the part of humanity that has not learned is moved to a negative world (which might represent the New World Order), the part that is lukewarm (lukewarm) enters a new cycle to try again, and the part that has learned and is in Christ is moved to a positive world, where they live eternally in the mind of Christ. What is meant by this generally has nothing to do with how many Christians live, but then involves the challenge of keeping your feelings, thoughts, and actions aligned for most of the time!

A good YouTube channel, which has listed these possible truths, is Exploring Tartaria, especially the following three videos: 

“Exploring Tartaria, Old World Secrets Revealed!"
"The Timeline Deception"
"The Timeline Deception Part II”

If you have taken note of information surrounding the falsification of history and the many other lies, it sounds like a credible story as this YouTube channel describes it. Other than that, they are really wonderful videos, so enjoy them! Another tip is the channel of CONSPIRACY-R-US and this video, about the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and the Second Resurrection!

Further evidence: the correct timeline

Further evidence that the ruling powers want to hide this Millennial Kingdom is found in the oldest versions of the Bible. Noel Joshua Hadley, who also has a YouTube channel called The Unexpected Cosmology, lays it out, in his book The Seven Thousand Year Timeline Deception. In it, he describes how the timeline has even been tampered with in the Bible translations themselves. This is because the timeline in the Hebrew Masoretic translation does not match the timeline in the oldest version of the Bible, the Greek Septuagint. If you add it all up, the birth of Abraham is presented 1562 years earlier in the Masoretic translation, on which one might suspect that they want to pretend that we are a lot earlier in the actual timeline. This also explains the belief of many religious people that we are currently right before the Millennial Kingdom, close to the year 6000, when we are actually in the year 7250 approximately. The time from 1500 to 1776 sometimes describes the years J500-J776 in the Millennial Kingdom. And sometimes it’s just ghost time. This is proven by David Ewing Jr. in his books. In fact, later events are copied into this (virtual) ghost time and have in that way thus become part of the timeline.
Even more evidence we find if we watch this video from the YouTube channel of Bible Scribe. He mentions some apocryphal texts, in which the birth of Christ is placed in the year 5500. One example is in “The First Book of Adam and Eve”, in which we can read in Chapter 3 (PDF) that Jesus will come after 5500 years to save Adam’s descendants.
Another proof I want to share, although there is much more if you look at and study the sources mentioned, is the following, and it is mentioned both in Bible Scribe’s video and in Noel Joshua Hadley’s book. It is the Gospel of Nicodemus where we find in chapter 22:10-20 that Christ will incarnate in the year 5500. Of course, you can hardly find these texts on the Internet, but in the video of Bible Scribe and in the before mentioned book of Noel Joshua Hadley, you can find the texts. What you can find on the Internet is a lot of texts claming that this gospel is very unreliable because it does not meet certain reliability criteria. And more of that nonsense. If you only knew how unreliable a lot of texts are that do meet those so-called “reliability criteria”, you would take all of that with a grain of salt and you could see the agenda of vilifying certain texts that they have not managed to hide.
The final evidence I want to mention, is found in the Book of Enoch. For in the “Prophecy of 10 Weeks” (Enoch 92:10-11) we can find that in the middle of the sixth week, the birth (or resurrection) of Christ takes place. If like some critics of this Prophecy, we assume that 1 week is representative for 1000 years. Then the middle of the sixth week is again this year 5500. But people want to hide this in every possible way and in most explanations of this Prophecy keep without any proof bizarre counts of years, which have nothing at all to do with events in reality in those supposed times. My theory is that the explanation of the seventh week refers to the years 6000-7000 and thus stands for the time of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. The eighth, ninth and tenth weeks would then perhaps be shorter periods, of which the eighth then stands for Satan’s short time/little season, which is the time thus mentioned in Revelation 20:3. The Prophecy mentioned at the seventh (Enoch 92:12) and eighth weeks (Enoch 92:13-14) is then probably deliberately reversed, to slander the time of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, and to glorify the time of Satan’s short time/little season after the Millennium, when in fact it is exactly the other way around. The rest, thus everything after the Millennial Reign, will presumably take up a lot less years. In this text (PDF) everything is lined up, it’s just that, as far as I’m concerned, the years are not well thought out. If you keep the rest of the Mudflood/Tartaria/Millennial Kingdom story in mind, then how I put it here, is how I think the Prophecy from Enoch should be understood, taking into account that it was tampered with.

Satan's little season is the Great Tribulation: a different interpretation of Revelation

Those who pay close attention may wonder how I can state in my representation of the facts that we are currently post-Millennial Kingdom of Christ, the time in which Satan will be let loose right before the Final Judgment, yet I am also writing about Antichrist entities pretending to be aliens and trying to take over a large part of humanity with a great invasion. Surely the Antichrist has already been dealt with before the Millennial Kingdom, during the time of the Great Tribulation? And yes, the preterists but also the futurists, conceive of the events in Revelation as taking place chronologically. But shouldn’t we perhaps interpret the events in Revelation differently? As a kind of description of the Great Tribulation, taking place in the very last moments before the Final Judgment? And then should we perhaps conceive Revelation 20 as a kind of overview/recapitulation of the whole story? In this booklet I found confirmation of my suspicions: The Scriptural Battle: God Verses Gog and Magog. The introduction, which is a kind of summary, can be found in this PDF document as well. I quote from the document on page 3:

After the Church Age ends (symbolically one thousand years) Satan will then be loosed for a little season (the Great Tribulation) in which he will attempt his final and most aggressive attack upon the true Church of Jesus Christ, known in sections of the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation as the Third Part.

So according to this interpretation, the Great Tribulation is equivalent to Satan’s little season after the Millennial Kingdom. And so there aren’t two Gog and Magog wars (one before the Millennial Kingdom and one after it, at the end of Satan’s little season), but there is only one, i.e. at the end of Satan’s little season from Revelation 20.

Page 5 then also describes the identity of Gog and Magog: I quote:

Gog and Magog represent not merely the unsaved masses of the world, but far more deceptively than that, Gog and Magog represent Satan and the “religious” Christian appearing masses of the unsaved throughout the four quarters of the world.

The unsaved masses of believers are, of course, the unconscious Luciferic polarized people. So Gog and Magog is again about Lucifer versus Satan. Embrace both sides with love and you walk the middle path of Christ. So don’t join the battle, but recognize that both sides (the Luciferic expansion and the Satanic compression) are needed in yourself.

I do not agree with the author of this booklet that the the Millennial Kingdom is a symbolic 1000 years, but otherwise just the introduction of this booklet gives very good insights. Because another good insight is, that Jesus Christ is the Israel from the scriptures. And that it is therefore not about a land claimed in 1948, from the ashes of World War II. This is a lying Satanic (Zionistic) creation. The booklet refers to Romans 2:28-29

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men, but of God.

So the real Jews are not the Jews we know today, who call themselves the chosen people, and who deny Christ as the Son from the Trinity, and therefore have a Satanic disposition, because Satan is the negation of the Son. No, they can be any person in the world who tries to emulate the behavior of Christ (the middle path) and live according to the Gospel, whether they are conscious of this fact or not. This will be a big surprise for many people.

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Section 1: 1984-2017

Section 1


An overview of my intense childhood, how my treatment for severe anxiety and identity issues went all wrong, and how I deal with the disastrous consequences.

Section 2: 2018-2025

Section 2


How I discover information about entities taking over bodies and how these entities eventually open the attack on me and those around me.

Section 3: various topics

Section 3

various topics

An explanation for my experiences in therapy, multiple other things I have discovered in my quest for truth, and my opinion on additional matters.




These are some of the articles I have written over time. Some are offline now, but have reappeared in the three sections of my story.


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