This article is offline now. The article has not reappeared in its original form, but was mostly incorporated in Section 2 of my story. You can still listen to the audio track of back then, but I may no longer approve certain parts of the info.
Jesse Musson
This article is offline now. The article has not reappeared in its original form, but was mostly incorporated in Section 2 of my story. You can still listen to the audio track of back then, but I may no longer approve certain parts of the info.
Sexual fears are playing up. I have suffered from this since puberty. When I was doing well, I was completely rid of this, but now it's back again.
I spent 8 weeks with my parents recovering from my fractured kneecap. I talk about losing my roots and beginning to rediscover them, which manifested itself in a number of clashes with my parents.
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